Belize strengthens data collection on trafficking in persons

The Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous People’s Affairs (MHDFIPA) of Belize launched the new TIP Module on the Ministry’s case management system FAMCare in partnership with The International Organization for Migration (IOM). Between 2019 and 2020, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Council (ATIPs) in Belize identified 6 victims, and provided medical, psychosocial and legal care for 19 more identified in previous years.
IOM partnered with the MHDFIPA since 2018 to strengthen the data collection and case management systems for ATIPs, which is chaired by the Ministry. The TIPs module will strengthen the M&E processes of the Council, specifically by strengthening the information system and Results -Based Management (RBM). Furthermore, it will develop a multi-agency online platform to investigate, track, and manage cases of human trafficking, providing an accurate platform for statistical reports and analysis, incorporate a comprehensive security system, with access to information defined by a combination of agency, role and user levels.
“The launch is so much more than the Human Trafficking Data Management System”, said the Hon. Dolores Balderamos-Garcia. “It is symbolic towards that progress and change that we so fervently work towards in combating Human Trafficking in Belize, regionally, and globally. We know that the fight against Human Trafficking is one of the great Human Rights causes of our time, and our Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous People’s Affairs is committed to working assiduously in eradicating Human Trafficking in our country.
“For IOM it has been a priority to support this initiative, through which Belize is contributing to the Global Compact on Migration commitments, particularly to enhance the identification and protection of, and assistance to, migrants who have become victims of trafficking, paying particular attention to women and children” said Diana Locke, IOM Belize Head of Office.
This work is developed by IOM within the Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.