A migrant’s journey does not end when they reach their place of destination, because from then on, they will have to integrate into their new community. In this section we explore the ties that link us to our communities, and how to make migrants part of their new home.
#NegocioMortal Campaign Infographic #4
#NegocioMortal [Deadly Business] is a campaign to provide information about migrant smuggling and the risks. Credits: UNODC and EU
#NegocioMortal Campaign Infographic #3
#NegocioMortal [Deadly Business] is a campaign to provide information about migrant smuggling and the risks. Credits: UNODC and EU
#NegocioMortal Campaign Posters
#NegocioMortal [Deadly Business] is a campaign to provide information about smuggling migrants and the risks. Credits: UNODC and EU.
#NegocioMortal Campaign Radio Ads
#NegocioMortal [Deadly Business] is a campaign to provide information about migrant smuggling and the risks. Credits: UNODC and EU.
#NegocioMortal Campaign Videos
#NegocioMortal [Deadly Business] is a campaign to provide information about migrant smuggling and the risks. Credits: UNODC and EU.
Trafficking for organ removal
This video explains what is trafficking for organ removal and its risks. Credits: IOMX