IOM launches E-Campus: Online Learning Platform on Migration

- PAM, IOM Regional Virtual Learning Platform on Migration will cease to function on February 28, 2019. The new and improved site, E-Campus, is already available. Visit
E-Campus is now IOM's global online migration learning platform. Developed in Moodle, it unites ideal features for self-learning and allows courses to be updated constantly.
PAM, IOM Regional Virtual Learning Platform on Migration will no longer be online after February 28, 2019, so users should download all certificates from previous courses by this date. From now on, this platform will not allow self-enrollment in its courses, but all the content can be accessed through E-Campus.
The platform was a pilot initiative tested in Latin America, in which over 6,000 students completed a course between 2016 and 2018. E-Campus is now establishing itself as a global multilingual platform offering Spanish, English, French, and Arabic, and has improved usability and content. Additionally, E-Campus is available on the Moodle App, which allows users to access courses offline, to improve their learning experience.
Access to E-Campus is free. The courses are developed by specialists, with in-depth, updated, and diverse content. These courses are ideal for government officials, members of civil society, students, academics, and anyone interested in the topic of migration.
You only need to go online and register to access the platform. Most courses can be completed in an average of 3-5 hours, and learners earn a certificate of achievement from IOM.
For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us at:
Videos: What is E-Campus? - How to use E-Campus